New Release v2.2.0

July 26, 2023


  • CNC tab created with Tool Path and G-code Visualizer tools
  • Tool Path: selective milling (only selected region on whole mesh); select direction of slices and rotation
  • G-code Visualizer: support 3/4/5/6 axes machines with configurable settings; customize displayed tool; open files with .nc extension
  • CUDA: more optimizations and report any issues to the user; display CUDA memory in About/System Information
  • Optimize multiple sections creation in Object Section tool
  • Offset tool in Bidirectional Shell type now has several Mode settings
  • Improve quality of boundaries in Thicken of open meshes
  • Add tool to create movement body mesh from two polylines
  • Add edges bevel tool
  • Add terrain triangulation tool
  • Web version: all missing tools there suggest downloading desktop versions
  • Preview mode in several tools: Decimate, Remesh, Subdivide
  • Several other UI/UX and stability improvements
  • MacOs: improve default mouse controls
  • MacOs: much better graphics quality on Retina displays:

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