
Get the latest version of MeshInspector Desktop App.

New Release v2.4.2

July 8, 2024

We are excited to announce the latest release of MeshInspector, featuring significant improvements in UI/UX, registration, inspection, mesh handling, voxel processing, point clouds, save/load functionalities, new features, and web application enhancements. This release focuses on enhancing performance, usability, and providing new capabilities to streamline your workflow.

UI/UX Enhancements

  • Performance Improvements: Enjoy 3 times less GPU memory consumption for most meshes and faster rendering.
  • Tool Window Management: Tool windows no longer overlap by default, ensuring a cleaner workspace.
  • Scene Tree Navigation: The scene tree now scrolls automatically to show the selected object on screen.
  • Distance Compare Report: Drastically reduced .PDF file size for Distance Compare reports.
  • Lighting and Texturing: Selected textured objects now display with ambient light.
  • Offset Tool: Redesigned with icons on buttons for a more intuitive interface.
  • Tool Consolidation: Pack tools for all object types are now united into one.
  • Global Basis Button: Added to the View tab for easier access.
  • Object Position Preservation: Objects retain their world position and orientation when drag-and-dropped in the scene tree between parents.
  • 3D Scene Background: Updated design for a refreshed look.
  • Download Button: Redesigned for better usability.
  • Settings Tool: New design for the Settings tool.
  • Tab Highlighting: Selected tabs are highlighted with a contrasting color, while inactive tabs are green.
  • Notification Visibility: Notifications remain unshadowed if a progress dialog is running.
  • FPS Window Toggle: The FPS window now appears with the ‘D’ key, unless it conflicts with another active tool’s hotkey.
  • General Improvements: Numerous other stability and UI/UX enhancements.

Registration Enhancements

  • Global Registration: Added a deviation palette, inscriptions on the convergence graph, and a Help button for better guidance.
  • Sample Points: Display the number of sample points in all registration tools.

Inspection and Healing

  • MeshHealer: Added an option to set thin walls tolerance for better control.

Mesh Handling

  • Brush Tool: Added hotkeys for each mode, and support for undo/redo hotkeys.
  • Patch Mode: New Patch mode in the Brush tool for quick topology fixes and bubble removal.
  • Brush Patch and Fill Holes: Added a Balanced weights option.
  • Extrude Tool: Added a numerical extrude option and other UX improvements.
  • Offset Tool: Redesigned with icons, restored Shell mode, and added an Anisotropic option.
  • Offset Tool Enhancements: Improved thickening for meshes with small self-intersections.
  • Boolean Tool: Redesigned with icons and a new option to mark cut edges as selected.
  • Per-Triangle Colors: Now supported in most tools.
  • Decimate Tool: Added a new option (enabled by default) to automatically pack the mesh at the end.

Voxel Processing

  • Mesh Adjustment: Adjust mesh based on voxels gradient at sub-voxel precision.
  • Voxel Display: Show voxel values with trilinear interpolation and normal derivative on the mesh.

Point Clouds

  • Visual Sampling Mode: Improved for various scenarios.

Save/Load Enhancements

  • Texture Loading: Load textures from .3MF files.
  • UV Maps Saving: Save texture coordinates (UV maps) in .OBJ files.
  • macOS Compatibility: Fixed loading of volumes from a number of .TIFF files.
  • .ASC File Support: Support for loading .ASC files with more than 2 million points.
  • File Overwrite Confirmation: Do not overwrite existing .MRU files without confirmation after importing objects with the same name.
  • Notification Display: Show all notifications when opening meshes from .ZIP archives.

New Features

  • Refine Button: Created a separate Refine button for easier access.

Web Application (Wasm)

  • Tool Availability: New window design for unavailable tools.
  • Embedded Gcode Viewer: New embedded gcode web-viewer.
  • Voxel Slices: Ability to save all voxel slices.

These updates bring a host of new features and improvements designed to enhance your experience with MeshInspector. We hope you find these changes beneficial and look forward to your feedback.


MeshInspector operates smoothly on various systems. To ensure optimal performance, we recommend a standard configuration that includes a modern processor, adequate RAM, and compatible operating systems such as Windows, macOS, or Linux.

You can access previous versions of MeshInspector in our GitHub page, here is the link:

Yes, your MeshInspector web account credentials remain consistent across all versions of the application. Enjoy seamless access and convenience with a single set of login details.

Yes, there is a subtle difference between the web and standalone versions. The web version operates within the limitations set by your browser, while the standalone version offers more autonomy and functionality directly on your device.

Your MeshInspector experience primarily requires an internet connection during the initial authorization process. Once authenticated, you can seamlessly work offline, ensuring uninterrupted productivity and convenience.

The MeshInspector application is a cutting-edge tool for diverse 3D data types, like point clouds, CT scans, meshes, voxel data, and polylines. This all-in-one tool offers a modern, intuitive interface, ensuring efficient 3D data handling. It’s lightning-fast, supports all platforms, and is browser-accessible. Ideal for 3D scanning and printing industry experts, engineers, and scientists, MeshInspector is your essential tool.

Explore our knowledge base, accessible at, for step-by-step tutorials, troubleshooting guides, and detailed documentation.

Additionally, dive into our YouTube channel at for video tutorials, user demonstrations, and insightful tips to maximize your MeshInspector experience.

Have specific questions or need personalized assistance? Don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated support team at We’re here to ensure your journey with MeshInspector is smooth and successful.