Hire 3D experts to get your 3D processing solution fast !

Whether you're in the 3D scanning & printing domain, engineering, science, or any other sector where three-dimensional data plays a pivotal role, our custom development services are tailored to bring your ideas to life.

Our benefits

With more than 15 years of experience, we understand the complexities and nuances of diverse 3D data types.

Our team has internal 3D platform for custom development that is optimized for speed and efficiency.

Instead of incurring a hiring expense and dedicating time/money to the recruitment process, you can save by only paying for the hours of experienced 3D developers.

Employs modern C++ and Python for advanced 3D software development.

What our customers say


Ruedger Rubbert

Chief Technology Officer, Brius Technologies Inc

"With MeshInspector MeshLib we were able to automate many of our workflow processes, thanks to its advanced, modern, and efficient dental and geometry oriented algorithms, covering many of our orthodontic-related tasks: CT and intraoral scan segmentation, voxel and Boolean operations, editing, aligning, visualization, inspection, and import/export of mesh objects. We use the versatile MeshInspector MeshLib API, both in production and R&D for fast prototyping and testing of our ideas."


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