Scanning Workflow Transformation

Company profile

  • Name: Global Objects
  • Industry: 3D Scanning and Digital Content Creation
  • Representative: Erick Geisler
  • Role: Chief Technical Officer


Need for Efficient 3D Scanning Workflows

Global Objects, a company specializing in digitizing 3D objects, scenes, and environments, faced a growing demand for high-quality 3D models. They aimed to provide detailed scans for a wide range of applications, including marketplaces and digital assets. However, the process of converting raw point cloud data into usable 3D models (meshes) was fraught with inefficiencies.

Challenges with the Current Solution

1. Massive Data Sets

The process of handling billions of points and creating meshes involved managing extensive data sets, which was time-consuming and resource-intensive.

2. Inefficient Software Tools

Traditional 3D scanning software was built on outdated architectures that resulted in slow processing times. Tasks like cleaning up meshes, filling holes, and aligning point clouds often took hours to complete, significantly slowing down project timelines.

3. Limited Flexibility and Responsiveness

Existing tools did not offer the flexibility needed for diverse scanning workflows and were not responsive to user feedback, making it difficult to optimize processes and integrate new solutions effectively.


Introduction to MeshInspector

Erick Geisler discovered MeshInspector while exploring new tools to optimize Global Objects' workflow. Intrigued by its capabilities, he began using it and quickly realized it could address many of the issues they faced with traditional software.

Key Benefits

  • Modern Architecture. MeshInspector is built on a new, efficient architecture that allows for faster processing times compared to traditional 3D scanning software.
  • Comprehensive Toolset. It offers a wide range of features, including advanced hole-filling tools, alignment capabilities, and the ability to handle large data sets, all in a single platform.
  • Responsive Development Team. The developers behind MeshInspector are highly responsive to feedback, providing updates and new builds rapidly, which greatly enhances the software’s usability and functionality.

“Tasks that previously took hours in other software can be completed in minutes with MeshInspector.”


By integrating MeshInspector into their workflow, Global Objects reduced the time required for processing 3D scans dramatically. What used to take hours could now be done in minutes, allowing for quicker project turnarounds.

The ability to perform multiple tasks within MeshInspector, from importing point clouds to aligning and cleaning up meshes, streamlined their workflow and eliminated the need for multiple software tools.

The meshes generated with MeshInspector were not only faster to produce but also maintained high quality, ensuring that Global Objects could meet client demands without compromising on detail or accuracy.

With faster processing times and a more efficient workflow, Global Objects was able to offer better services than competitors, providing high-quality digital assets in less time and at lower costs.


“MeshInspector has completely transformed our workflow. It's faster, more efficient, and offers incredible value. The responsiveness of the development team and the quality of the software have given us a significant edge over our competitors.”

-Erick Geisler, Chief Technical Officer, Global Objects.